Boron is an essential micronutrient for plants, but unfortunately, is deficient in soils worldwide. That leads to defects in the roots and shoots of plants, therefore leading to a reduction in crop yields. You might not think boron would be a controversial topic in the life sciences community, but a longstanding dispute about its importance has been debated for years.
The argument is not whether or not the micronutrient is critical to plant development and growth, but where and how it functions. Imaging boron and being able to pick it out will allow a pathway to more direct evidence of its role. The research study found that the tracer accumulated in the root tip, root elongation zone, lateral root initiation sites and leaf edges in maize.
This presence is exactly the kind of direct, visual evidence that supports the argument of the role boron plays in maize growth. A radiotracer is a chemical compound where a radioactive element is added to whatever a researcher wants to track, which acts as a tag as it moves through the body or plant. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. I'm already a fan, don't show this again.
Send MSN Feedback. How can we improve? Please give an overall site rating:. Privacy Statement. Opens in a new window Opens an external site Opens an external site in a new window. Several parts of the cattail are edible, but in particular, their roots can be made into a tasy jelly. Cattails are a conservation threat: their rapid spreading and growth means that they have a tendency to choke out other plants in a water ecosystem, which is quite problematic.
Cichorium intybus L. Chicory aka blue daisy, bunk, coffee weed. Chicory is distrubed throughout Missouri and can successfully grow in many environments as a weed. Chicory is generally seen as weed, but actually is traditionally used as a flavoring for coffees. Common Evening Primrose can be found in many habitats all throughout Missouri, favoring open areas with exposed soil. The roots can be boiled into a concentrated liquid which can be used to make a beverage semblant of root beer.
There are eight varieties of smilax in Missouri, which are incredibly difficult to distinguish between. The Jerusalem Artichoke generally grows near streams, rivers, and in other areas or rich, disturbed soil. Jerusalem Artichoke is grown industrially as food and livestock feed. Jerusalem Artichoke is difficult to identify in comparison to other sunflowers because of its frequent interbreeding with them.
This image has been resized from its original. Mayapple mandrake grows throughout Missouri and across the midwest United States. Mayapple mandrake is edible; its fruits can be made into a variety of food items. According to multiple studies, the mayapple mandrake produces a natural compound which has applications in the treatment of certain cancers.
Via Steve Rainwater on Flickr. Found throughout Missouri in abandonded fields, pastures, and similar sites. The roots are edible raw or cooked. It was introduced from Europe, and the carrots that we eat today were cultivated from this plant. It is a biennial plant. Never ate the root. Anise roots are extremely important for their culinary usages; they can be substituted for anise oil.
This image was resized to better fit the page. Wild ginger can be found throughout much of Missouri. Wild ginger roots can be used, like one might assume, as a substitute for ginger.