We spoke of the far-away paradises, but taking the time to find one. Trata-se especificamente da saudade romantizada por um lugar ideal,. Bettina Horenburg Editores Dr. Imprint sig. Bettina Horenburg Editors Dr. Impresso sig. Most frequent English dictionary requests: , -1k , -2k , -3k , -4k , -5k , -7k , k , k , k , k , k , k , k Most frequent Portuguese dictionary requests: , -1k , -2k , -3k , -4k , -5k , -7k , k , k , k , k , k , k , k.
Please click on the reason for your vote: This is not a good example for the translation above. The wrong words are highlighted. It does not match my search. It should not be summed up with the orange entries The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Thank you very much for your vote! You helped to increase the quality of our service.
Inspired by the Brno Chair by Mies van der Rohe, who developed products with. Mit Beschluss vom The retail industry in this country is traditionally heavily fragmented, but could be opened up to foreign competition, which is already encouraging big players like W a l - Mart , T es co and Metro to make initial moves. The potential impact of such requirements on manufacturers could be even bigger. Thus W a l - Mart a n d companies like it, are an impediment to school reform and although it is not usually noted, the employment practices of W a l - Mart a n d similar companies is one of the reasons the [ Then the federal cartel office had prohibited the chains W a l - Mart , A ld i and Lidl, to offer certain food at a lower price than the purchase price.
Damals hat das Bundeskartellamt ausser Wall Mart auch den Handelsketten Aldi und Lidl verboten, bestimmte Lebensmittel fuer weniger als den Einkaufspreis anzubieten. So when US citizens push for higher qualifications for the teachers of the poor, as they should, they may also need to push themselves to stop shopping at companies like W a l - Mart. Bauhaus teachers and designers influenced by the Bauhaus played a decisive role.
Group is one of the world's largest and most international trade and retail companies. Visitors can face with this history and with what it left, but they find it next to the novelty of one of the most important European museums of modern and contemporary ar t MART. Th ey can listen to Mozart music and to the music of his time thanks to the instruments of the Mitteleuropean Baroque Orchestra one of the few "period" orchestras still present in Italy or to the wonderful pianos of the Museum of the Old Pianos in Ala.
The Myself system, a BW system that uses itself as the source system. This is because it is also used for generating the change log for ODS objects, that is, for generating client-independent BW objects. RFID sensor technology has been given its first broad, real-world. Finally, we met with W a l - Mart d e M exico y Centroamerica, [ Also extremely satisfactory was the. Computer-Bildschirm-Terminals, das Recht haben, zu sprechen. Among the members are 14 big liner shipping companies such.
The integration of W a l - Mart G e rm any was fully completed [ Die Integr at ion v on Wal -Mart Deu tsc hland w urde bis [ Imprint sig. It does not match my search. It should not be summed up with the orange entries The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Thank you very much for your vote! You helped to increase the quality of our service.
Following the analysis of documentation [ Nach der [ Practicable elements of a flexicurity-oriented strategy already used comprise the creation of transitional labour markets, the greater dissemination of a working [ The monastic community will expand, as will the number of lay-spiritual practitioners, in order to hold the daily [ ECRI welcomes the fact that the [ Liechtenstein has taken many important steps towards combating racism and intolerance since the publication of ECRI's first report, including the ratification of a number of significant international legal instruments in the field, the adoption of new criminal law provisions to combat racist [ Bids for the projects will be invited under the [ Die Projekte werden im Rahmen des Programms [ The symposium, intended as a promotional preamble to the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, started with the temporary withdrawal of a large section of the Chinese delegation, triggered by the lack of an official welcoming address for the Chinese delegation - and because they had not been consulted about the [ Subjects include simulation of aircraft environment control systems, aircraft design studies for environment-friendly cargo aircraft, design of aircraft with cost-effective ground handling, validation of structure-mechanical analysis models in aircraft engineering, [ Simulation der Klimatisierung im Flugzeug, Entwurfsuntersuchungen zu umweltfreundlichen Frachtflugzeugen, Entwurf von Flugzeugen mit kosteneffektiver Bodenabfertigung, Validierung strukturmechanischer Analysemodelle im Flugzeugbau, [ On the basis of the common criteria, it is [ Auf der Grundlage der gemeinsamen Kriterien wird [ With the publication of [ If the central and south-eastern city of the province is flat, with the lowest point of 44 m above the sea on the western and northern border with picking up the mountain, reaching If [ In contrast [ Im Gegensatz [ A sustainable reduction in overuse and misuse as well as the establishment of a new balance between prevention, treatment and rehabilitation [