Esc 4 houston texas

Charter Schools. District Initiatives. School Boards. Curriculum Standards. Early Childhood Education. Graduation Information. Instructional Materials. Learning Support and Programs. Special Student Populations. Subject Areas. Financial Compliance. State Funding. Texas Permanent School Fund. Data Submission. Educator Data. Financial Reports. Legislative Information.

Program Evaluations. School Data. School Performance. Student Data. Assessment Initiatives. Educator Evaluation and Support System. Educator Initiatives. Preparation and Continuing Education. Salary and Service Record. Education Service Centers. Chapter 8 of the Texas Education Code, enacted by the 75th Texas Legislature in , specified the following purposes of ESCs: Regional Education Service Centers shall: Assist school districts in improving student performance in each region of the system; Enable school districts to operate more efficiently and economically; and Implement initiatives assigned by the legislature or the commissioner.

Funding ESCs do not possess tax levying or bonding authority and rely on grants and contracts for funding. Simcock tea. Services must also be provided that: 1 Enable districts to operate more efficiently and economically. Todd Schneider N. David W. Fitts U.

Gordon Taylor E. Clyde Steelman S. Jerry Maze P. Loop , Region 12 13 — Austin Mr. Casey Callahan P. Dewitt Smith P. Armando Aguirre P.

Phone Number. Fax Number. Cornelio Gonzalez. Charlotte Baker. Pam Wells. Danny Lovett. Michael Holland. Todd Schneider. West Pierce. Gordon Taylor. Clyde Steelman. Picric Acid which is a dangerous explosive and toxic chemical especially dangerous in crystal form can be found in some homes and garages. This type of commercial grade chemical should only be handled by highly trained chemical waste companies.

The ESC will not accept chemicals of this nature. Remember to be safe Every Friday from 9 am — 12 pm, household chemicals and paint that were brought to the ESC for disposal, but appear to be in good condition are made available for citizen reuse. Citizens may take away these items at no charge. A signed liability waiver will be required before removing materials from the site.

There is a limit of six 6 chemical items and a cart load of paint per week. This service is only available at the ESC South location. The ReStore, which acts as a book swap, a recycling information library, as well as a repository for craft items and post consumer and post industrial scrap useful for art projects , is now located at the ESC- South.

Items can be dropped off at Westpark and the ESCs during normal service times. Q: Does it cost to drop off my household chemicals? A: No, it is a free service for residents of the city of Houston. A: No, the ESC staff will unload them for you. You never have to get out of your vehicle. Q: Can I bring chemical waste from my business?

A: No, only household chemicals are accepted. Q: Will you make presentations to my school or my civic association? A: Sure! For an educational presentation and a tour of the ESC please call Proper disposal of materials is key to a healthy, clean environment.

Visit each link for additional information. Before making the trip, package your items accordingly: Keep items in their original containers, when possible; Place broken or leaking containers inside a second container.

Transport all items in your trunk rather than the passenger compartment of your vehicle. Ensure it is clear what items are meant to be dropped off by limiting the other items in your trunk. Keep windows rolled up and have ID and utility bill ready to show.


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